Coolsculpting for the Stomach

Best Coolsculpting for the Stomach in FL


CoolSculpting is a form of cold therapy known as Cryolipolysis. It is a controlled cooling treatment accepted by the FDA. It eliminates stubborn fat, which can be unaffected through exercise or diet. Without needles, surgery, or downtime, you’ll appear and feel better.

Visit the Florida Center for CoolSculpting and receive $1000 off your initial treatment.


For certain people, having Tummy tucks are the best option. But, since this is an invasive and possibly hazardous procedure, it is recommended to first consult with a respected doctor who provides CoolSculpting. When you lose unwanted pounds, your physique gets more contoured and sculpted. There are a few things to consider when weighing the benefits of CoolSculpting over Tummy tightening.

Time available

A tummy tuck is a major procedure that typically takes anywhere from one to three hours to finish. The patient will then have to rest for two weeks before you can resume your regular activities and up to one month before exercising or engaging in more strenuous exercise. For comparison, a CoolSculpting treatment requires just 35 to 60 minutes per area. After that, you’ll be able to go back to normal activities immediately. Since there is no interruption, it is ideal if you work with a limited amount of time. Actually, some individuals undergo this procedure in between lunch and work.


Individuals who opt for the tummy-tuck procedure have an excess of loose skin that the surgeon will remove. In certain instances, it is also possible to perform liposuction. If you’ve got lots of skin due to weight loss, or maybe expecting a baby or a baby, a tummy tuck may be the ideal solution.

Although CoolSculpting doesn’t remove excess skin, it can reduce the amount of fat. Instead of a weight-loss treatment, this holistic procedure focuses on the bulges of fat around the tummy and other areas within the body. Utilizing a cutting-edge device, controlled, cold strikes the area of concern and kills fat cells. In the months following the procedure, your body flushes out the skin cells, creating a slimmer and more defined appearance.


To budget, think about the cost of the tummy tuck compared to CoolSculpting procedures. On average, a tummy surgery will cost between $3000 and $12,000 based on the doctor, the clinic and location, the quantity of loose skin removed, whether the patient will need to stay in the hospital, and other factors. There is also the cost of medications and medical equipment in addition to the time away from work.

As a comparison, CoolSculpting only costs between $750 to $1,500. The price you pay will be based on the amount and size of applicators as well as the physician and the area. As you will see, there is an important difference in cost between the two.


In the beginning, you’ll have a consultation with the provider, typically lasting around 30 minutes, depending on the number of questions and the amount of information required to be confident in proceeding with this non-invasive procedure. In the meantime, the provider will create a treatment plan specific to your needs.

The CoolSculpting process could take between 35 to 60 minutes, based on each part of your body being treated. For stubborn fat or to create a more slim appearance, you may opt to get additional treatments. In some instances, the provider will use multiple machines and applicators, which makes an option to address several parts of your body at once.

Does it have the ability to remove STOMACH FAT?

Yes, CoolSculpting can remove stomach fat and fat bulges that are present on other parts of the body like the thighs, under the buttocks and upper arms, and even the back. Also, coolsculpting specialists can use this method to remove visible fat under the chin. It is often called “turkey neck” as well as for contouring. Most patients find that CoolSculpting can eliminate double chins in just one or two sessions.

Although some patients begin to see positive results as early as three weeks, the most dramatic improvements take about two months. The body will continuously eliminate old fat cells in the four to six-week period after the procedure.

Does it help the lower STOMACH?

Alongside the upper and middle portion of the abdomen, CoolSculpting will reduce abdominal fat. Since this treatment concentrates on eliminating excess fat deposits, it can work exceptionally well across different parts of the physique.


During your initial consultation, your doctor will explain the process of the procedure that CoolSculpting can perform. This includes the fact that this treatment addresses the entire abdomen area, including the fat accumulated in the upper stomach area.

Can men treat their stomachs?

Like women, men can also get CoolSculpting treatment to remove excess stomach fat. The goal is often to eliminate the look of a beer belly, love handles, and even “man boobs.” In addition to removing excess fat, men are attracted to this treatment as it creates a more masculine and contoured appearance.

Does it cause discomfort to your stomach?

With the exception of a tiny possibility of suffering from the adverse effects mentioned, CoolSculpting will not cause harm to the stomach. Instead of reaching deeply into the stomach, it concentrates on areas of fat.

Is it safe to treat the STOMACH during pregnancy?

A high degree of safety is the main benefit of CoolSculpting, which is a great way to lose body fat. Already this FDA-approved treatment has assisted millions of people around the globe. But, there are some who do not qualify for this treatment.

In the case of pregnant women are concerned, since CoolSculpting only concentrates on the fat layer, instead of piercing more organs, it will be of no harm to women who have not yet become pregnant. For women who are nursing or pregnant are concerned, as of now experts have not done enough research to assess the long-term and short-term impacts. So, doctors do not suggest this procedure to nursing or pregnant women. Additionally, women with excessive loose skin following birth are not suitable candidates for CoolSculpting.

Although the treatment is generally regarded as safe and efficient, there are a handful of other individuals who may not qualify for CoolSculpting treatment. This includes those suffering from cold agglutinin disorder, cryoglobulinemia, and paroxysmal cold hemoglobinuria.

Are there side effects to the STOMACH?

When you undergo the actual CoolSculpting treatment, it is possible to experience sensations that feel similar to pulling, pinching, tingling, or cramping and a feeling of coldness on the treatment area. When the cooling process of the treatment increases, the affected zones become numb and get rid of any discomfort.

When the treatment is complete, it is possible to experience slight swelling, bruises and firmness, a tingling sensation and redness, as well as stinging, the sensation of tingling, pain, cramping, tenderness, itching, or sensitivity to contact. Most of the time, these symptoms disappear within some days or weeks. On rare occasions, more side effects might develop. Our providers will inform you of what is expected and the best time to contact the office regarding any concerns during your consultation.


As previously mentioned, you may have stomach cramps during, following the procedure, or on some occasions both. Since these are not serious, there’s no need to panic.

Can it cause STOMACH GAS?

Certain patients may feel a slight swelling and bloating after the CoolSculpting procedure. However, as with other side effects, they fade quickly.

How does it treat your STOMACH? (CRYOLIPOLYSIS)

In order to perform the CoolSculpting treatment, the specalist places the applicator and gel pad on the affected region within the body. Safe and controlled cooling is then applied through the applicator, slowly and effectively targeting fat cells beneath that skin’s skin’s layer. Many people read books, watch Netflix, listen to music, browse emails, or have a nap during the CoolSculpting treatment.

In the coming weeks or months, dead cells will flush from the body to give a more defined appearance.


Since this is a non-surgical treatment, you are able to return to normal sporting activities right away. With no restrictions, you can go to the gym the day following the procedure. Many people have found that yoga, walking, stretching, and aerobic exercise can aid in recovering. However, some feel that it increases the pain. So, pay attention to what your body is telling you.


An invasive surgery like Tummy tucks carry numerous risks. In the course of the procedure, patients are susceptible to complications arising from the anesthesia used. There are other risks involved following this type of procedure, which include bleeding, infection, build-up of fluid within the abdomen, skin loss, and even an injury that doesn’t heal correctly.

While a tiny percentage of patients experience more severe side effects after CoolSculpting, there is little risk. This treatment is a safe choice when looking to eliminate the bulges of fat on any part of your stomach.


After a tummy tuck, the patient can anticipate swelling and pain. In order to alleviate this, the surgeon may prescribe anti-inflammatory and pain medication, which can result in additional risks and complications, such as multiple negative effects and dependence. Other adverse consequences include numbness, a change in the sensation of the skin, prolonged swelling, and skin discoloration.

With CoolSculpting, the side effects aren’t as severe. When you undergo the procedure to eliminate tummy fat, you might feel minor sensations like the sensation of tingling, pinching, pain or cramping, or even stinging. But since this treatment utilizes cold to remove fat, these sensations will cease when the cooling effect has taken effect on the body.

Following a CoolSculpting procedure, there may be slight swelling, bruising, numbness and redness, tingling, the sensation of cramping, aching, itching or stinging, and sensitiveness to contact. While other adverse effects may occur, they are very uncommon.



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I can write many good things about this office. The bottom line is that I highly recommended them.

I had cool sculpting done and I’m happy with the results. Tamar put it all into perspective for me right from the start. My results align with exactly what she said I could expect. I can write many good things about this office. The bottom line is that I highly recommended them. I will be taking advantage of other services they have to offer and especially now, with the great holiday offers they have. This is a REAL review from someone whom is a regular working person who seeks value and quality.!


Lisa V.


Jennifer R.

Age 53


I had a wonderful experience at Nuways. My wife and I both received coolsculpting during one of their specials last month, and we were very comfortable throughout the entire session. They gave us blankets, put on Netflix and we even received some over the ear headphones to block out the sounds of the coolsculpting machines to relax. The staff was pleasing and genuinely cared about our satisfaction and results!

Jonathan R